Sunday, December 24, 2006

Sing to the Lord

很久沒有唱詩/帶領別人唱詩, 放下了很久, 也沒有準備要重拾.

然而, 在這段日子有許多機會要事奉, 要揀歌, 也因此重新執拾自己的music library...
重聽許多喜歡的詩歌, 很多當天感動我的詩歌和insightful worship leaders.

若沒有神在身邊, 今天我會是怎樣?

Where would I be, if You had not been by my side
How could I rise to meet the morning of the day
Your tender mercy always calling from behind
At times I could not see You, even though You were close by

Lord You are good, You are Good, And Your mercy forever endures
Lord You are good, You are good, And Your mercy forever endures


Anonymous said...


心思思 said...

Don Moen is really a great worship leader. When he sings, I feel my eyes are hot.... with tears.
Hope you like the song.